Quote from: anontokerI know we can favorite vendors but I often browse the newest listings.It would be nice if I could block vendors like PlanetExpress so I don't have to view their bullshit.If this has been suggested before please disregard/delete.Anonie.This idea in itself is good, but it can be expanded on significantly:Say a user can add and exclude Vendors and/or specific Listings at will, save those preferences in a Customized Search String and then share that Specific Link with others on the Forums. Let' say there's eight Vendors who sell MDMA, a buyer could create a Customized List which for example excludes three of the Vendors ( as they're scamming ) and only include the MDMA Listings from the other five Vendors. Basically a Comparison Function but with the added bonus of being able to save and update it as a list which can be shared with others as well. To see in a more broad way one could create a type of filter which shows just a specific Range of Pricing and Features, for example say a Vendor could be marked as using Mylar Bags/Moisture Barrier Bags as opposed to just vacuum and that would show up in the Filtering Process. As for scamming Vendors a buyer could then in this new system create and update a Filter with includes according to the Creator scamming Vendors. So any Buyer who would apply that specific Filter from that Buyer ( ie. "Scamming Vendor Filter ) would automatically exclude those Vendors based on that specific Filter, but not do anything else. The point would be the option of applying Multiple Filters simultaneously and having the possibility of getting highly Customized Results. :)Quote from: razerbladeQ) I'd like to know how much SR made in commission on all of their members getting blatantly scammed. I'd like to know the first few weeks what SR made, and in particular, what they made after all the scam questions were raised and the vendor was reported as scam attempt. This is a bit of a loaded question as it somehow assumes Silk Road had part in the scamming. If all buyers would stop to FE, report properly and rate the Vendors accordingly this problem would die down very quickly, but they don't and that's why the scams continue to work. Now while the System itself can be improved in this regard ( as I described above for example ) as long as the System is based on user input and there's not enough of it, what are they supposed to do about it exactly? I recall going through the Listings of PlanetExpress a couple of days ago and he had very high ratings at the time, and if/when they start to go down I can almost guarantee Buyers would buy anyway after seeing his prices. In the end this is just a more advanced form of Nigerian Scam, smart Buyers don't fall for it after doing some Research.